Friday, Panel 1, 301 ILLERUP 09:00 - 10:30

Those Who Are Curious About the Museum, Barış Bilgen, Peramuseum, Istanbul, Turkey

Keywords: Curiosity, Creativity, Game, Interactive

In the workshop titled "Those Who Are Curious About the Museum", information is given on how they can tour the education effectively and comprehensively, and it is aimed to make the museum a social part. In the workshop, which starts with an acquaintance event, the participants will be divided into groups and construct an interactive exhibition tour and game suitable for various age groups with the information and materials given. At the end of this workshop, the teams will have the opportunity to make presentations to each other and share their intellectual and physical experiences during the production process. This workshop is based on interpretation and creativity. It will be possible to support creativity while evaluating the works. In this way, they have the opportunity to think about how the works in the museum can be examined in different branches by bringing together teamwork, observation, and questioning skills with imagination and creativity.