Thursday, Panel 2, 301 ILLERUP 14:30 - 16:45


The new word-of-mouth. Let’s create an unforgettable Instagram moment together

Johanna Quatmann, Klaus Matthiesen

walk agency, Aarhus, Denmark


Keywords: Engagement, Co-determination, Visitor-control, Selfie-friendliness, Instagram-moment

Although some may scoff at the idea of this self-centered approach, it really misses the point. Because if a museum curates hash-taggable content and selfie-friendly images, then the conversation does not restrict itself to attendees alone and it can begin to have an impact on the wider public discourse. So, it is not a question of lowering expectations or playing to a public with an ever-decreasing attention span. It is more about offering something enticing that gets people talking and sharing online instead. After all, social media is the new word-of-mouth.  And can you think of a better, easier and affordable way for educational actors, to become more accessible and help people to think about often serious subject matter in new ways? Let’s think about the Getty Challenge, which is mentioned in over 65,000 Instagram posts or the success of pop-up museum in recent years. What can we learn from this?   In our workshop, museum professionals dive into the world of social media friendly cultural experiences. Not only will trending social media content be presented and analyzed; groups will create the unforgettable Instagram moment for this CECA Conference!


The New Word of Mouth?