Moesgaard Museum reopens to the public on Saturday January 22. On the same day, we open the new special exhibition, where the museum presents new knowledge about the Rus Vikings who went east and gained immense power and wealth.
New special exhibition follows the Vikings' travels in the east
The special exhibition 'RUS - Vikings in the east' focuses on new knowledge about the Rus Vikings and follows them on their travels and settlements in the east. The exhibition displays a large selection of spectacular objects. Museums in Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark contribute to the exhibition with generous loans.
Covid passport and face masks when visiting Moesgaard
The conditions for a reopening of cultural life include the following restrictions. All persons 15 years and up must have a valid Covid passport when visiting the Moesgaard Museum. You help us by having your Covid passport ready at ticket check-in.
At the same time, all persons 12 years and up must wear a face mask or visor when moving around the museum. The face mask can be removed when sitting down in the café area. If you have questions about the rules, feel free to ask the staff.